WOW News

The WOW Amphitheater – provides a safe space to cultivate a variety of therapeutic practices. 

The WOW Flower Project provides garden therapy, animal therapy, art therapy, swimming and a tranquil place to meditate. The goal is to provide a place for conversation and therapeutic practices. Camp WOW is centered around a healing space for children that deal with mental health, autism, and youth that reside within the foster care system. 

“WOW Garden” has plots dedicated to women veterans, autistic youth and youth interested in growing foods in the “Southern Salsa Cultural Garden” foods that are often grown in the southern states and South America.  


The WOW Amphitheater complex is going to be utilized by women’s veterans that suffer from MST & PTSD – post-traumatic stress. The “Wellness Garden” consist of herbal plants that provide wellness & healing equity.  The harvests provide teas, sachet, and potpourri for holistic wellness. 


Coming soon Spring of 2020. The WOW amphitheater and classroom will provide a haven for women and youth to have a safe space to transform wellness clinics which leads to better mental health resilience.